What is
fair and what is unfair are not absolute and immutable ideas. They change
according to time and place. What was unfair few hundred years ago may become
fair now. The trial by media is one such concept. However it has been condemned
by civil rights activists, lawyers, judges and academicians.
media is a powerful tool for social engineering. It draws its power from
Article 19(1)a of the Constitution which guarantees freedom of speech and
expression. As a pillar of democracy it has the duty to use this right
judiciously. The burden becomes heavier because it has the power to mould
public opinions and change the way people perceive the justice system.
problem of unfettered use of this freedom becomes apparent if we look at the interference
of media in "administration of justice". This interference can be
summed up in the phrase "trial by media" which basically means the
impact that media has on a trial proceedings. This impact can be through
prejudicing, forming perception or characterising person in a certain way.
accused is declared guilty by the media at the time of arrest, blatantly
ignoring the doctrine of presumption of innocence of the accused until proven
guilty beyond reasonable doubt. For example in the Aarushi murder case the
Talwars were declared murderers by media even before the judgment. Another
example is of Asaram Bapu. Though just charged under Protection of Children
from Sexual offences Act, 2012, he was declared guilty by the media. Media
portrays the accused in such a way, by using assertive style of writing, which
the public is made to believe the story of the media.
trial by media is not legal in any way. The interference can have serious
effect on the life of the person who is directly impacted. It makes difficult
for such persons to restore their life when they are found not to be guilty
without societal scrutiny which is the result of the pre-judgments by the
it is very well recognised that a judge presiding over a matter that has gained
media hype is likely to be effected subconsciously if not consciously. This may
manifest in either the judge being apprehensive about public reaction after he
passes a judgment against the "media verdict" or when he feels
pressurised to act according to the story of the media, gravely wrecking the
impartiality that he/she is expected to uphold. Such impact on judges is
affirmed by 'Aarushi', an investigative book by journalist Avirook Sen which
claims that the judge wrote the 'verdict' even before the defence finished its
argument. Not only accused but sometimes other functionaries like police are
shown in a bad light which degrades their reputation.
Commission of India in its 200th Report on TRIAL BY MEDIA FREE SPEECH AND FAIR
TRIAL UNDER CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE, 1973 analysed the relation of trial by
media with freedom of speech under Article 19(1)a, reasonable restrictions and
Contempt of Court laws. Section 2 of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 defines
criminal contempt. It includes publication of any matter which prejudices or
interferes in any way in the judicial proceedings or administration of justice.
Two recommendations of the Commission are worth pondering. Firstly, the High
Court should be given power to postpone publication of any news that has the
potential to prejudice. Secondly, the contempt should be from the date of
arrest and not from the date of filing the charge sheet.
justification by media is that they act as catalysts to the otherwise sluggish
judiciary. They say that they merely represent the views of the society and not
shape them.Though there are a lot of vulnerabilities attached to trial by media
it would be incorrect not to give media due credit for exposing various scams
and its work in bringing justice in cases where it was under the influence and
pressure of the rich and powerful. For example the Jessica Lal case. Therefore
the need of the hour is to put reasonable restriction on media so that it not
only is able to exercise its right of speech but at the same is prevented from
exceeding its arena of legitimate jurisdiction.